Messy May No. 3 - Free
with Messy Collaboration

Messy May No. 3

For once a month, you are challenged to create daily-ish. 

That's right, daily- ish.

This is a free challenge where above all, it's  totally okay if you miss a day. 

It's a challenge where if you complete even one out of the 31 challenges, we'll be celebrating. 

This is a challenge for the  mess makers and recovering perfectionists. It's for those who miss their creative practice, want to jump start it, or are absolutely rocking one. 

Messy May is for you, exactly as you are right now.

Messycollaboration v3

Messy Collaboration

We call ourselves Messians. We’ve held solo and group gallery shows, published books, been in magazines and actual newspapers, created online art schools (and art communities of our own), been featured by Instagram, led retreats, sold our art, collaborated with other artists, quit our job for art, and taught art live.

Mainly, we’ve created a LOT of art.

Class Lessons

  1. Mm nav 01
    Welcome to Messy May!
  2. Mm nav 02
  3. Mm nav 03
    Host Artists
  4. Mm nav 04
    Gallery + Chat
  5. Mm nav 06
    Workbook + Bonuses
  6. Mm03 01 theme
    01 - Prologue - Caylee
  7. Mm03 02 theme
    02 - Nourish - Claudette
  8. Mm03 03 theme
    03 - Enchanted - Vanessa
  9. Mm03 04 theme
    04 - Blooming - Ramona
  10. Mm03 05 theme
    05 - Marks - Shawn
  11. Mm03 06 theme
    06 - Backgrounds - Barb
  12. Mm03 07 theme
    07 - Moments - Nicole
  13. Mm03 08 theme
    08 - Rays - Sheri